Category: Basics
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How you can turn on debug messages on Qsys
If you have already created a qsys file, just follow the next steps
- Close the <>.qsys file you are working with.
- Open the file called <preferences.xml>, which is in the folder where your <>.qsys file is.
- Look for a line with

- Replace the line with

- Reopen the <>.qsys file you are working with, and you must see on the loading console some new messages which look like these (green bugs):

Welcome to FPGA lover!!!
I invite you to take a look at the new manuals on the web page, and have a tour, Enjoy, and Love FPGAs and Embedded Systems!
This Qsys component has been designed to be used with the chip Wiznet W5100 alongside the soft-core Nios II.
This manual will tell you how to implement it using the DE0-NANO, and C5GX, and is divided into two parts:..
Wiznet 5100 Core
Computer Architecture embraces all three aspects of a processor design: instruction set, functional estructure and hardware implementation. The main architectures are RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) which led to x86 as we still recognize now. Both designs bring electronics or computer science students the basic concepts they should learn.
Therefore, this project brings an opportunity to learn this basic concepts through the HDL description in Verilog of two processors (One for each architecture) implemented on FPGA devices, together with strong documentation, common assembly language instructions and support software.
This DAC(MCP4821) module was developed by the UPB students Jose Velandia & Henry Lizaro in the year 2012, you can see here the description of the module, plus a very useful application on digital modulations(ASK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK), that you could use to learn more about digital modulations and to visualize at the output of the MCP4821 DAC.
DAC MCP4821 Core - Verilog HDL
This manual provides instructions on how to convert your PSx controller's output from the PSx connector to UART. In addition, you will learn how to receive data from the UART and how to emulate keyboard and mouse functions using Python scripting.
DE0 NANO PlayStation Controller Interface
Signal wave graphing is a common requirement in embedded instrumentation systems dedicated to the monitoring and logging of external variables. However, this functionality requires a lot more resources than the ones available in simple signal acquisition systems as expected in power and economic budgets, as they may require the use of external GPUs that integrate a variety of graphing resources unnecessary for logging-and-graphing dedicated applications, such as Digital Oscilloscopes, Industrial Monitoring, Vital Signs Monitors and others.
Waves Graphing Acceleration using FPGA
In this manual you are going to understand how the N64 Controller works, and how we can acquire through a simple Finite State Machine (FSM), all the buttons states from the N64 controller using the DE0-NANO (you can use any FPGA board, and implement this manual).
N64 Controller Module - DE0-NANO
This Verilog core was designed to control the DAC LTC®LTC2624 which is a quad 12-bit 2.5V to 5.5V rail-to-rail voltage output DACs
DAC LTC2624 core - Verilog HDL
In this practice, we will understand HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) video interface built for the DE0-NANO. To do this, we must understand how TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling) transmission works and develop a Verilog HDL transmission module capable of controlling this type of video interface using the DE0-NANO (Cyclone IV).
HDMI Core on DE0-NANO - Project
Line buffers serve as a common tool for data buffering, allowing for the processing of a larger data window. This window is then subdivided into 3x3 pixel kernels, also referred to as neighborhoods. These small regions are typically employed to facilitate the application of digital filters to an image, effectively eliminating superfluous information and thereby simplifying the process of identifying specific features within the image.
Three-Line delay buffers for Image Processing - DE2-115
This manual is composed by two sections:
Hardware description part.
In this part you can learn how to create a video acquisition system using Qsys.
Software part.
In this part you will learn how to communicate with the D5M camera using Nios II through the "Audio and Video config" core. D5M Camera, Cyclone V GX, Holguer, 1080p, Verilog
Setting the D5M Terasic Camera using Nios II at 1080p
Based on Gregory Estrade's Work.
I have ported the PC Engine System on the DE0-NANO back in 2014, why don't you have a look?, Maybe port it on another FPGA?
Here you go the DE0-NANO (Download:Sources) Ready to be Synthesized.
PC Engine / Turbografx-16 - DE0-NANO
In this manual you are going to understand how the SNES Controller Works, and how we can acquire through a simple Finite State Machine (FSM), all the buttons states from the SNES controller using the de0-nano SOC (you can use any FPGA borad, and implement this manual).
SNES Controller Module - DE0-NANO-SOC