Category: Cyclone V GX Starter Kit
Hits: 7916
Written by Holguer Andres
- Quartus Configuration:
- Open and modify the <project>.qsf file with a text editor and add the following lines:
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_INIT_DONE_OUTPUT ON
- Delete the “db” and “incremental_db” folder if it is needed.
- Open your Qsys Project.
- Ensure the Nios II’s reset vector is pointing at EPCS/EPCQ Controller.
- Ensure the Nios II’s Exception Vector is pointing at the memory of your preference, sram, lpddr2, or memory on chip.
- Generate your Qsys design.
- Compile your design with Quartus.
- Open Nios II IDE.
- Create a new project.
- Right-click on the folder and go to Nios II-> BSP Editor.
- Make sure you have the following setup.
- Generate the BSP, and exit
- Right -Click and Build the software
- Open Nios II Command Shell.
- Go to the folder in which <software>.elf is stored.
- Type the following lines (it might change on yours) on the console
- Generating non_volatil.jic file and programming the EPCQ.
- Go to Quartus and then File->Conver Programming Files…
- Select the following configuration:
- Press on Flash Loader, then on “Add Device..” and then Select Cyclone V -> 5CGXF5C6, and press ok.
- Press on SOF Data, then press on Add File, and Select your <quartus>.sof file.
- Press on the <quartus>.sof file, press properties, and enable compression, and press on ok.
- Press on “Add Hex Data..”, select the “sw.hex” file which was generated in the step 3, and enable “Relative addressing”.
- At the end, you might have something like the following (The same order).
- Press on “Generate”.
- Open Quartus Programmer, and make sure you have the board connected to the USB.
- Press on “Add File…”, select the non_volatil.jic file, enable “program/configure”.
- Finally, press on “Start”.
- In order to check everything works fine, restart your board.
- Nios II should be running.
You can find the jic file and the solution in the following link