Category: Cores
Hits: 8180


Written by Holguer Andres



In this manual you are going to understand how the N64 Controller works, and how we can acquire through a simple Finite State Machine (FSM), all the buttons states from the N64 controller using the DE0-NANO (you can use any FPGA board, and implement this manual).

it is important to make clear that this manual is based on manual in which it is explained the N64 controller protocol, there is a software example for acquiring the buttons states. However in this example, the given AVR driver is ported to a simple Verilog Module, which can be simply instantiated as many times as the user desire without affecting any performance, taking advantage of the FPGA parallelism.

Required Materials:

  1. Any FPGA board (Though for this manual we are going to use the DE0-NANO).
  2. N64 Controller(18 CADs on Amazon).

 Brief Explanation: